(1)Bienvenido mortal al mundo ocioso de Helsic la niña pato. Este es un espacio donde ella escribe cualquier tontería que se le ocurre durante el día. Así que si no es de tu agrado, eres libre de hacer click en la exquina de tu navegador y irte a una mejor vida.

Recomendaciones: Firefox lindo, no se deje al alcanze de los niños y consumase una vez abierto.

(2) HELSIC: Es una chica de 23 años que siempre procura estár de buen humor, pues no le gusta que la gente pague por sus bajones de ánimo. Piensa que la felicidad hay que vivirla en el ahora y no pasarse la vida buscándola. Es Diseñadora Visual y vive en la maravillosa y hermosa isla de TAIWAN, trabajando como profesora voluntaria en la Escuela Toujia. No pertenece a una religión en especial, pero cree que existe un algo sobrenatural allá afuera. Intenta convertirse en una gran Diseñadora, Ilustradora y Animadora digital, desea más que nada en el mundo ir a Korea del Sur a estudiar animación, pero como es pobre tendrá que hacer muchos sacrificios para poder lograrlo. Aún así está dispuesta a hacerlo~

Contacto: @ <-- NO me envies spam ni mails cadena :D

Vida en internet: helsic@lj, HATO, sujuclan-cassiopeia, fotoblog, metroblog

AMA: Diseño / Ilustración / Escribir / Leer / Super Junior / Dramas Asiáticos / HATO / Chocolate / JRock / Jpop / Krock / Kpop / Cpop / Crock / Harry Potter / Videojjuegos /

Odia: Reggaeton / Calor / Conexión de internet lenta / Hipocrecía / Arrogancia

(3) Haengbok: Este es el nombre de este blog, que singnifica "Felicidad" o "Lleno de felicidad" en Coreano. ¿Otro blog? Así es. Siempre quize tener mi blog en mi propio dominio y ahora que tengo mi dominio me daré el gusto así ya tenga mi Lj. De vez en cuando escribiré aquí en inglés para practicar el idioma D:

(4)Layout: Hangeng Olimpic version 1:
Para esta primera versión, tenemos a Hangeng como coverboy, sosteniendo la antorcha olímpica. Hangeng es el único miembro Chino de SJ y es una persona a la cual admiro muchisimo.

(5) Mi dominio:

h e l s i c . n e t

Mi segundo hogar :

Gracias x leer *w*

Diseño & Contenidos: Helsic
Hosting: Helsic.net
IImagen: Super Junior Hangeng

Made in:


Ne, es casi seguro. Es casi seguro que me voy a Corea el próximo mes ;0;
Y no se... a este punto me pregunto. Shisus ¿Me meresco está felicidad? ¿Es el destino, la ley del Karma, dios o qué? es que... asdasd ¿Cómo es que me pasan cosas tan buenas a mi? ;A;

When I was in Colombia I never believe in destiny or in to be a 'lucky' person I always thougth that you have to sacrifice yourself and work so hard if you want to get someting in life. But now I ask myself... I had been enough hardworking to deserve all this fucking happiness? In this point I feel If I'm never going to be sad or depress again, nothing can change my mood now! and If something bad happen and I can't go to Korea... hell, I'm not going to die, I'm not going to be depress, because I understand that the true happiness in life is to acept the things in the way that it comes! ;0;

Pendejos Sujus los amo ;x; pero si tengo la oportunidad de decirles algo (cosa q dudo xD) lo único q saldría de mis labios sería un gracias sincero. A ellos les debo mucho, así suene a marica Fangirl babosa, pero es verdad, por ellos conocí a Jisabella y a Ina en Colombia, por ellos conocí a tanta gente linda de internet q amo con locura y pasión y por supuesto por ellos existe Hato T_T y Hato me ha hecho crecer en muchos sentidos, me ha hecho más responsable D':

Is amazing how just a hobbie can become in something too important like HATO to me now. Is a project but is not only a website about Sj, is a community and is my family.

I still can believe it, I'm going to Korea next month! is a dream is a dream D:

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asdasdasd se q aún no es nada seguro y se q no debería andar divulgándolo publicamente porq aún no es seguro xD dicen q si uno cuenta las cosas muy rapido no se dan ;A; pero asdasd si no se da, no me deprimiré porq se q existe la oportunidad y con eso es suficiente para mi, yo me entiendo ;0;

Pues see, es posible pueda irme a Corea del alma en Julio ;0; debo confesar q tengo miedo, no es una desición fácil de tomar, pero que carajos, me vine a vivir a Taiwan sola, puedo ir a Korea q queda a dos horas y media en avión *-* asdasd. El punto es, ¿Meresco tanta alegría y tantas cosas buenas en mi vida? ¿Eh dado lo suficiente de mi misma para merecer que tanta persona buena en este mundo me ofresca su ayuda y me haga feliz? Dios, de verdad q quisiera esforzarme aún más (y lo haré) quisiera convertirme en una persona q todos puedan recordar con una sonrisa ;A;

asdsadasd. El caso es q, hay una gran oportunidad de irme para Korea y no sólo eso, ir al Super Show de mis pendejos de Super Junior ;__________; asdasdasd es como un sueño, a veces cuando me despierto por las mañana temo a desperarme de verdad y despertarme en Colombia D':

asdasd. Amo Colombia y extraño a mi gente, pero esto es distinto es la emoción del friki q ha estado alejado de Asia toda la vida y ahora tiene oportunidad de conocer esas culturas q tanto ha idolatrado ;x;!



Wiii happiness!

In the picture... I'm with 2 teachers from the school! ahaha so cute~ They're wearing the same clothes for a game!

I have been busy! D: but finally I came here to post something ^^
Again I'm happy! :D I don't remember other time in my life, happier than now! (?) Taiwan is so cool~~ ahaha I will never been tired to say that! I love this island with my entire heart, body 8D and soul! *-*!

Now I'm working in the school as always and next week I don't have to teach anyclass because the school has a english competition against other schools!
I'm teaching the story of "Rin Rin Renacuajo" a story from my country~~ and the kids like it! They enjoy the story and they learn more about Colombia that's make me feel so happy ^^

One of the kids choose "Colombia" in a game and said that is her favorite country! OMG. *Proud* I felt so happy and exciting ;A;!
I'm not to much nacionalist... but I feel happy when people can know more about my country, more about the great and beatiful things in my culture not only the bad things of my homeland!

Now I'm working in a comic for the school~~ Kari, my parner help me to create a really nice story for the kids! He has a lot of imagination ^^ and good sense of humor *loves him* but I lost my graphic pen! -___- so I can't work with my graphic table D: I'll have to buy a new one! D':


practicing english!

OMG! so long without write here... but I have been writing in my spanish lj because at first time was more confortable to express myself in spanish because is my mother languaje... but I feel the urgent to practice my english LOL even I supposed to teach english here... I really need to practice my english... I mean... english here is a little different that I was expecting because Taiwanese people pronunciation is so different!!! and complicated to understand!

I learned english in Colombia from british and American teachers... and I learn this acent... by the way I suppose I have a Colombian english acent.... D: but Taiwanese and in general Chinese acent... is really complicated to understand! sometimes I don't have any idea about what they're saying even if they are speaking in english! LOL

but anyway this is my first time using english in the real world!! haha in Colombia I practiced with my friends in english classes... but... is not the same, you know that if they don't understand you can explain in spanish... but here... you have to use english properly!!! because I don't understand any chinese and they don't understand any spanish either D:

And sometimes I forget the past participles of the verbs of some vocabulary or some auxiliares... because... yeah english is hard for me ;_; I'm Colombian! and I'm afraid in commit a mistake in my classes! even if the english level of my students is pretty basic... I'm really afraid.

I'm going to start with Chinese languaje! :D but is pretty hard to do the first step! you look at the pronunciation and the handwritting and is so complicated... so I don't now that to do first... try the pronunciation or try to read the letters .____. but I really need a basic Chinese to survive ;__; I'm planning to buy a english novels to read here and practice my english something hard like Sthepen King! xD

Anyway, I have to go now *-*!
Tsa tien D':



Hello everybody~~
I'll try to post here in english and in spanish because I don't know if in Taiwan I'll have time to post in two blogs, then my english blog
[info]helsic_eng will be in hiatus for a while. I'll start a new stage in my life and share you all of you my experiences in Taiwan not only fangirl things, olso about culture, food, people, places to visit and Chinese languaje! (Yeah I'll learn chinese too *-*)

About my other blog (yeah... I love blogs xD) [info]helsic_fangirl I'll try to post there only my Fanfics, fanarts, comics or fangirl stuff like images fanservice etc. Because I don't want to mix everything here ;_;' In this blog I'll focuss only in my life in Taiwan. That's the reason I put a new name: "Taiwanese Dream"... yeah is simple D: but I don't have one better.

I Thiwsted my ancle and hurts ;_; but I can't do anything, I'm here in my house waiting for my passport with the USA visa, and I have to travel to Bogota (again) to get the Taiwanese visa D: but I can't walk very well... I don't know what I'm going to do. Anyway life isn't perfect ;_;

In the other hand... Super Junior comeback is in March!!! *A* I'm so exciting because I'll be in Taiwan in March... maybe they'll do a peformance in Taiwan... and I'll be there~~

Ahh! I have listened this podcast about Taiwan:

Is so goooood! is about the experiences of foreigners in Taiwan! it's help me a lot! *__*

see you *-*


I don't know if it works!!!


I bought a Korean cd!

Hi dudes!

Finally my new stuff arrive. I bought the first album of Jang WooHyuk ex-member of HOT!! *A*

Maybe you could think... Why Helsic bought a old album?
Wuaa because WooHyuk is so cool! I love him! and I love his style. Of course again I don't understand Korean, but when I listen his music I felt good and I want to dance!. Is weird because I'm not Hip Hop lover... I mean, I don't like this style so much, but with WooHyuk is something different... His music has something special and I think his voice makes the difference.
Many people don't like his voice because is so high-pitched... LOL but I love his high-screaming-voice(?). Anyway I bought the CD and I'm so happy with this shooping. Moreover the book of pictutes inside the CD is beatifull and all design of the package is pretty nice.

Is my first time buying somethin that isn¡'t Super Junior! XD all my previous shops was Super Junior stuff... and I was seduced by Super Junior Happy Mini-album, but finally I choose 'NO MORE DRAMA' The first WooHyuk album *-*

Today I was studying english so hard. I really need to improve my english!!! is very possible that I could travel abroad the next year in february... and I really feel nervous about that. I mean... english will be my only way to express myself, If I'm going to be in Taiwan, nobody will speak spanish I guess... moreover I'm going to work in a school, so I NEED to talk very well without grammar mistakes.

I really want to go there... so I need a proper english. I was making a TOFEL test in internet (a example of TOFEL test) and I got 37 of 50 in vocabulary... ahhg... I really need a perfect score...

*sigh* I'm councius that I can do a perfect score because I'm not native english speaker but... I need a good... not a excelent score D:

Anyway... I'm happy because I bought a CD! *A*

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